Monday, June 29, 2009

Stay Tuned for More 202 News

Here's a comment Ben left on my last post about retail:

Just found this article on the 202 moving forward. May be old news but just published today:

I thought it was a timely article and a timely observation from Ben. My guess is that we will see significant progress over the course of this summer. And I know that Tom Trush has been following Loop 202 developments on behalf of South Mountain District News; so keep tuned there and at the AZ Republic for further news.

Not only do I continue to argue that this WILL happen for the reasons cited in my last 202 article, but the summers in AZ are a great time for political deal making; and it appears that the deals are being made (not to mention ADOT has gotten better in the PR arena). Plus, I find it interesting that Harry Mitchell and Ed Pastor have both weighed in on the subject. They will hopefully provide the federal spending that can make our Loop 202 a reality.

As we continue to see signs of resuscitation for our freeway, I will definitely try to stay "in the loop" (yes, I put quotes around it--very clever indeed). Please do the same, and let me know if you catch anything that I fail to mention here. Thanks again to Ben for the contribution.


Unknown said...

And here's another article talking positively about the SMF:

PTB said...

Great catch! For others' reference, this article isn't so much news as it is positive commentary from the EV Tribune.

Mionskowski Family said...

Here is some more news about the 202 freeway that was posted by the South Mountain District News:

PTB said...

Thanks! I hope I'm not out of place here in noting that my email exchange with Mr. Bearup following the Local Laveen Summit helped prompt this story (but it's true). Every little bit helps, folks. We must remain vocal about this topic.