Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Call for Candidates

If you are running for public office, either statewide or in a district that includes Laveen, I'd love to interview you via email and post our interview to this blog.  Please reach out to me at ptbrennan @ gmail (dot ) com if interested.


Monday, October 4, 2010

Retail Update -- Interim Post

It would be premature to shout from the rooftops that retail growth is turning positive again for Laveen, but it sure feels that way, doesn't it? I'm positive that I'll be complaining about the ridiculous wait for a treadmill soon enough..... Also, it looks like the Phoenix metro retail market is starting to grow in ways more favorable to us. Please see the following article from AzCentral:

Developers, retailers focusing on infill areas

My prediction..... as soon as we can better quantify the Laveen market's demographics -- and this day is rapidly approaching -- the shopping center owners/managers can let the floodgates loose for new growth. Of greatest interest to me is dining -- we need more sit-down restaurants. I feel quite confident that this is a huge area of opportunity for our community.

Finally, it's worth noting that I've had many positive discussions with people who can help get us where we want to be. One anonymous source: "Laveen has weathered the recession better than most local communities, and it's time that we revise our outlook" (a little background: I attended a less than encouraging meeting a couple of years ago with the very professionals who should have shown more interest in our community back then). The tides are indeed turning, and people are beginning to notice us more than ever. So please, hang in there, and continue patronizing Laveen and South Mountain area businesses. Our best hope for new services is to encourage those who have already found success here and are looking to grow.